British Beerfest Volunteer Info
Judges and Stewards
If you have registered, log in and then choose Edit Account from the My Account menu indicated by the icon on the top menu.
Other Volunteer Info
Volunteers may bring their own PRE-REGISTERED entries the day of the competition. Please do not bring entries of others, this is a perk for volunteers only, excessive entry check in the morning of delays the competition and burdens the volunteers. If you can drop your entries off early it will save you (and us) some time checking in at the competition. Please plan to arrive between 8 and 8:30 to check in your entries.
For judges, we are trying to go all electronic for scoring this year. This means that you should be prepared to bring whatever laptop/chromebook/tablet/etc. you want to use to enter evaluations. If you need to buy something, Amazon has basic Chromebooks for around $45 dollars that provide the necessary functionality (wifi, keyboard, touchpad, display, browser.)